We are moving to the new premises in the new year. We have been extremely lucky to use Games Workshop dojo before. But in the 2012, we are moving to the new and better location, closer to city centre in Sneinton.However, the juniors class is relocated to a new place just around the corner from the Games Workshop at Dunkirk Community Centre.
For Adults classes We have been very lucky to use the Zanshin dojo in Sneinton, run by Sensei Simon Oliver. We will be sharing the floor space with sensei Oliver on all adults classes. We will be able to put more mats on the dojo than before. And it has a great atmosphere in the dojo, as the Zanshin dojo has been there since 1976 with a long history.
For Juniors the we are offering more classes and time and location will not change much. The Saturday class in Nottingham has moved only few yards away from old dojo at Dunkirk Community Centre. It is almost no change for most of the juniors. There is also one extra class in Gedling on Mondays in Gedling School where we did our Xmas Seminar in 2011. Please check our new schedule on the Website.
Adults Classes
Zanshin Dojo
Sneinton Boulevard
Adults Time Table
Mon-Wed @ 7pm-8:30pm (Zanshin)
Saturdays @ 11am-12pm (Dunkirk)
Junior Classes
Dunkirk Community Centre
Montpelier Road
Gedling School
Wollaton Avenue
Juniors Timetable
Mondays @ 4pm-5pm (Gedling)
Saturdays @ 10am-12pm (Dunkirk)