Kuro Obi Geiko : Black Belt Class

Period: Kuro Obi Geiko : Black Belt Class

Date: 19th November 2011 : 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Place: Nottingham Dojo : Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Road, Lenton, NG7 2WS

Fee: £3

Brief: This is a black belt class (Kuro Obi Geiko). This is normally black belts only class, but we are opening this class specially for 3rd kyu and above. We will be focusing on finer aspects of Aikido, such as jiyuwaza, koyuho and weapons work. This class will require a basic knowledge of all the daiichi kihon from the syllabus, and good range of ukemi and gowaza/jiyuwaza practice.

This is a more focused session of Aikido and it will look at the aikido for black belt and beyond. Like they say, getting a black belt is not the goal, but the start of the real Aikido!

The class is limited to 10 places only.

For further enquiries please ask the instructors all call us on 07843600645
