Adults Gradings on 31st October

Nottingham Dojo

There is a grading coming up on the 31st of October on Monday at Derby Dojo. The gradings is up to 1st kyu, and if you have graded or not in recent months, we are all expecting you to push yourself towards the grading. We will be starting test practice on regular basis so everyone can familiarise with their syllabus and we will be doing extra practices on 5-waza and jiyuwaza.

If you are testing please make sure you download the test forms from the website on the student information section on the sidebar and start thinking about your uke. Choosing your uke is part of your responsibility, and you need to start arranging the training time together. If you are unsure of testing or not sure how to select your uke etc, please ask your instructors. They will help you with your arrangements.

Good Luck everyone. Osu!