Inter Dojo Junior Aikido Demonstration Tournament

Inter Dojo Aikido Demonstration Tournament

Nottingham Dojo

We are excited to announce our 1st “Inter Dojo Junior Aikido Demonstration Tournament” on the 14th July 2013 at the Nottingham dojo. Following a success from our first annual all dojo aikido demonstration, the Juniors from Nottingham, Derby and Lincoln are coming to the represent their dojo, and compete in a demonstration competition and tournament. This is an excellent opportunity for all the juniors to show their skills they are learning every week, and also a great opportunity to interact and socialise with all the other junior aikidoka from different dojos.

Nottingham Dojo

The category is divided into 2 categories of Dojo Cup, and Kihon Waza Tournament. Dojo cup is an open category free style demonstration competed between each dojo. The Kihon Waza Tournament is a knock out competition for all the juniors to work in pairs to decide the best working demonstration pair for Gold, Silver and Bronze medals.

After the event there will be a socialising time where all the juniors can get together and have fun. I hope everyone can stay to enjoy some food and drinks as well as some fun activities!

If you have any inquiries please contact / Tel : 07843600645

Date and Time

    • 14th July 2013 / 12:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Location

    • Nottingham Seminar : 11th – 14th Nov :

      Zanshin Dojo,
      Sneinton Hermitage Community Centre,
      NG2 4GN
  • Fees

  • Early Bird ticket : £2 per person (Participants/audience)
  • Early Bird family ticket : £5
  • Tickets on the day : £3 per person (Participants/audience)