Street Self Defence Course

Have you missed the new years resolution band wagon? But don’t want to be stuck in the gym…. Don’t worry its not too late and we have something interesting for you!

We are putting on an Aikido self defence course in February. This is suitable for all beginners, ages and gender. Aikido is based on the concept of using the opponents force to your advantage. So size and gender becomes no issue, small can overcome the big, and women can overcome the men!

Period: 4 week course every Tues 7:00 – 8:00pm, starting 21/02/2012 ending 13/03/2012.

Fee: £30

Brief: This beginners course is an introduction which covers the basics of Aikido, and acts as a stepping stone into the normal classes. The course is limited to 20 places and it will be held in our Nottingham dojo in Sneinton

The class will be taken at a very gentle pace, and therefore suitable for all ages. Unlike normal Aikido class, the class will be less formal like open clinic, so everyone can relax and train together in a very open environment.

The class can cover your particular situation you have had to deal with in the past or even at work. We have had teachers, nurses and doctors and security personnel join this course before and found it very useful to deal with your everyday work situation as well as self protection.

This is ideal for anyone who is interested in Aikido, or any martial arts who would like to experience what it is all about without making a big commitment.

If you are interested please contact Shoshinkan by e-mail, or by phone on 07843 600 645 to reserve a place.