Tad has been involved with our school for over a year now, in which time has continuously ran after school clubs on a Wednesday night for our oldest children and a Thursday night for our children from the age of 5. Tad came into a school assembly to start with and did an aikido demonstration then worked with each class which enabled each child to have ago. They thoroughly enjoyed it and many classes were able to produce pieces of work around ‘I can do anything if I have the black belt attitude’.

Our children respond to Tad very positively and are extremely enthusiastic about taking part in Aikido. The sessions have been great and extended the children’s co-ordination, balance, listening skills, confidence, turn taking, working together as a group. Many Parents have reported their children are now helping around the house (which is part of the tasks set by Tad) Aikido has enabled siblings to work together and co-operate in the home setting.

In some cases with targeted children Tad has given up his own time and money to support and help these children succeed in their own personal goals.

Tad is a positive role model and many of our children aspire to be like him. The children listen and respect Tad because he is firm but fair in a caring way. Tad has got involved with other aspects of school life as well, sports day, International Evening and putting on Demonstrations.

The children were very proud of themselves when taking part in the Shoshinkan annual Aikido demonstration at Harvey Hadden stadium, December 2012, they won a fabulous trophy which was presented by Tad in a special Assembly and now has pride of place in school. Aikido has been and continues to be a fantastic opportunity for our families from a wide range of backgrounds and abilities and is inclusive to all.

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