Shoshinkan Xmas Party with Joe Thambu shihan

Event: Aikido Shoshinkan Xmas Party
( with Joe Thambu Shihan, and Enrica Cheung Sensei.)

Date: 2nd December 2012 : 6:00pm – 10:00pm

Place: : Dunkirk Community Centre
Montpelier Road

Fee: £10 per head (Juniors £5 per head)

Nottingham Dojo

Brief: This year we have had a very busy and exciting year. And we are finishing our year with a BIG BANG in a style! We have Joe Thambu shihan coming over for our 7th year in a row, and we have our first demonstration too… So why not do our Xmas party with Sensei Joe Thambu to celebrate our year!

In the past years we have only done our Xmas party with the adults and parents, but this year, we are opening the party up for the juniors too. All the juniors and the parents are welcome to the Xmas party, and I hope you can all get the chance to have a chat with sensei Joe Thambu, and also celebrate our biggest year we have had yet!

We will be doing a xmas party in a international buffet style, as we have lots of students from all over the world. Please bring some cuisine from your country to share if you can! More the merrier!!!

Nottingham Dojo

The Xmas party isn’t a Xmas party without some exciting activities, so we are doing a Sumo Wrestling Contest on the night to celebrate the Xmas in Japanese style! There will be a great prize for a winner!…Obviously!

We will also be doing some raffles and give aways presents from our own Santa too so I hope everyone can come along to the event.

For further enquiries please ask the instructors all call us on 07843600645
